By Rochana Jantrakool  and Banleng Sramoon


This research paper presents an overview of the agreed key indicators for monitoring the outcomes and outputs of curricular/programs integrating sustainability into VTET system of Thailand and the good practices of sustainability programme provided by the Office of the Vocational Education Commission (OVEC) and Rajamangala University of Technology (RMUTT). Developing the TVET sustain able development indicators (TVET SD) was discussed by a panel of experts in different perspectives based on their understanding of TVET. Due to diverging demographic and ecology patterns in Thailand, the researchers defined that the

TVET SD should be considered into 4 main dimensions: economic index, social index, environment index, and culture index. Those indexes are focused on developing the graduate students and servicing community, which are able to be in proper work, employment and be a good entrepreneur, concerned with housing, economic growth rate, production efficiency, self reliance, stability and quality of life, safety work, participation and decision making, and organizing and managing efficiently of environmental resources, under the TVET instructional process in the vocational and technical colleges. The good practice in TVET SD

curricular was environmental and productive study integrating into secondary education curriculum. The different models are very suitable for TVET SD programs which are: a model of poverty alleviation in rural areas, a fast track of agricultural students based on competency standard, a flagship program for productivity

efficiency, a FIX it program for community service, and an enterprise incubation for vocational students. To this end, OVEC and RMUTT are realizing the significance of TVET SD but there is still a need to integrate them properly into activities of curricular/programs. Especially, a paradigm shift of teachers and students should be done continuously.

DOWNLOAD : Toward Concepts of Sustainable Development in Alternative Tvet Programme of Thailane