By Monica Kuo

Year 2013


Environmental colors heavily relate to geographical climates, latitudes, altitudes, and the whole landscape being envisaged by the interaction between nature and culture. As a result, the countries and regions where the Tropic of Cancer 23.5ฐ passes, owing to their very diverse landscape, exhibit great differences in their environmental and cultural colors of natural landscape. Taiwan, situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Taiwan Strait, has owned a very critical position. Thanks to the coverage by the Tropic of Cancer, Taiwan prides itself with the richest biodiversity. Accordingly, this paper, based upon field surveys, explores how the Tropic of Cancer renders environmental characteristics and a splendid variety of landscape colors. With preliminary studies on chromatogram and literature reviews, it is the objective of this paper to build a cross-Asia, even a global, database of diverse landscape colors endowed by the trajectory of the Tropic of Cancer.

Download : The tropic of cancer in Taiwan: preliminary approaches to regional colors